"Blessed are the Peacemakers"............

I've always quite fancied being known as a peacemaker..... It sounds like a lovely thing to be - so nice, so gentle, and frankly very, very holy! Recently though I've had to think hard about what it means to seek to bring peace into several situations that have been going on around me. If according to the dictionary a peacemaker is 'one who seeks to bring harmony and reconciliation between those who are estranged' - then what does that mean out here in the real world?
The Greek word for peace is 'eirene' which paints a gorgeous image - tranquility- like a boat sailing on a calm sea, or - harmony - a song where all the notes blend together. The Hebrew equivalent is 'shalom' which was often used as a greeting. Shalom conveys all the meaning of eirene, but adds to it the depth of not only the absence of evil, but the presence of all things good. To wish shalom on someone is to say "I wish for you not only the absence of things that may harm you - but the presence of everything that makes for your good".


It's easy to think that peacemaking is about making things look 'better' - but then how often are we tempted to paper over the cracks, cover the rot, make people feel better or simply ignore the situation & hope it will go away? But surely that's 'peace-faking' - rather than being prepared to grapple with the real issues we ignore them and hope things will 'sort themselves out'?

So peacemaking then? Isn't it about being prepared to get my hands dirty and risk being actively involved, seeking to be real, rather than opting for 'peace at any price'? Scary stuff - and beginning to sound less attractive by the second!
True peacemaking doesn't duck the issues behind estrangement, but seeks to lovingly build bridges to reconciliation between people and each other, and people and God.
Risky though - as more often than not the words that need to be spoken will be less than welcome.......

Like most of us, I have no desire to get involved with needless conflict - but there are times that when standing up for what I truly believe to be the best for someone may stir things up. Sometimes the only way to lasting peace will involve addressing issues which will be painful to work through - and sometimes we are the ones who need to change. Jesus taught that at times, faithful discipleship will place a 'sword' between loved ones (Matthew 10:34).............

Sounds more scary than lovely now.................

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