"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might" Deuteronomy 6:5

What would it mean for me to truly live this out every day? It's such an easy thing to think I want, to say that I want - but such a challenge to live out every day. So many other things crowd in and steal my dreams, take my time, and sap my energy - or frankly I waste my precious life by being plain lazy......... I get so frustrated with myself because I know things could be so different!

One of the things I am very good at is making long lists of things that would mean I was living my life more intentionally - things I ought to be 'doing', and 'doing better'. The problem is that these good intentions quickly become a stick to beat myself with rather than an encouragement to persevere.

Maybe though - living with greater intention is less about 'doing', and more about 'being' - being the person I was created to be, living the life I was created for, in the way it was designed to be lived. In one sense that sounds easier, and yet it is so much more challenging because I need to exchange my list that screams 'could do better' for cultivating a passion for my maker, authentic relationships, a submitted soul, and the gritty determination to live every day to it's greatest potential....

Now where's my pen.......

1 comment:

  1. Living light and living with lists, is the way to live, Liz! Both, and!!
    Becoming a focused relaxer would indeed help... i too am in training!!
    Enjoy, be and give out of the overflow of who God has you and is making you to be, and all will be well.... in fact more than!!
    life abundant for you!!
